
January 2016 Newsletter

Hip, Hip, Hooray! Modern society comes with desk jobs, prolonged sitting, and repetitive motions that weaken the hip joints. As a result, the lower back and knees are forced to compensate....

December 2015 Newsletter

Don't Fall For This... The risk of falling increases with age. In this article, we shall briefly discuss the role of physical therapists in fall prevention and the treatment of...

November 2015 Newsletter

How to Protect and Strengthen the Knee (and Foot) Knee and foot injuries are common for people of all ages. Physical therapy will increase strength and mobility to prepare the knee...

October 2015 Newsletter

National Physical Therapy Month October is National Physical Therapy Month. A physical therapist is a licensed professional and an expert in the management of the musculoskeletal system. Your physical therapist will...

September 2015 Newsletter

Improving Connections Between Nerves and Muscles Most people have heard about multiple sclerosis (MS), but don't know much about this autoimmune disease. It's a debilitating and progressive condition that affects...